Pastor Jeromy & Dana Rowe

Pastor Jeromy and Dana Rowe have been in ministry and serving churches in Western Pennsylvania for over 30 years.  Their God given calling and purpose is simple: lead people into a thriving relationship with Jesus and help each person understand, restore, and fulfill their own God-given purpose and calling.  

Jeromy and Dana have been married nearly 28 years.  One thing we can say about our Lead Pastor and his wife is that they are real and authentic.  They are a faith-filled couple who demonstrate that trust and faith before us each day.  They lead through authentic relationships and really enjoy doing life with others.

Our Pastor and his wife are a living example of God’s faithfulness in everyday life struggles.  We all go through things and to pretend we’re perfect inhibits our growth.  They’re not shy about using what the enemy meant for evil and allowing God to use it for His glory.  Marriage struggles are real.  Family issues are common for all of us.  Sometimes life happens in ways that try to knock us down and distract us from God’s will for our lives.  But, Jesus said, “… In this world, you will have many trial and sorrows.  But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”  Watching them walk out this principle encourages us to do the same. The message that “you’re not finished”, “you’re not disqualified” is a constant encouragement we hear from them.  There is more to your story.  Jesus is real.  He loves you and really does have a plan for each of us.  Pastor Jeromy and Dana are living proof of that truth.  They are passionate about helping each one of us get to and stay in that place of victory in our life through the power of the Holy Spirit.  They reside in North Huntingdon, PA along with their two kids, Hannah and Ethan, and their two cats, Ralphie and Phineas.  They enjoy cruises, traveling, especially to Walt Disney World.  They are foodies and love to try new things.  Coffee is a must.  Dating your spouse is fun.  Spontaneous adventures keep you laughing.  

“Dana and I were hesitant to start another church.  However, God would not let us walk away.  We’re glad we listened.  This is different.  We’re intentionally allowing Him to build His church … this movement of His Spirit.  Come be a part of what God is doing.  Remember, you have all access to the Father, through Jesus (Ephesians 2:18).  Dana and I can’t wait to meet you.”

Welcome to All Access Church!

Pastoral Team

  • Herbert Hill


  • Gavin Hassell